29 APR, 2024

LET'S GET TO KNOW ABOUT ‘ฤดูหลงป่า My Lovely Forest Ranger’ by theneoclassic

We provide you below the synopsis of ‘ฤดูหลงป่า My Lovely Forest Ranger’ by theneoclassic in English and Traditional Chinese version.



ฤดูหลงป่า My Lovely Forest Ranger [English]
Once you get into the forest, after coming back, you won’t be the same…just like Fifa. Fifa, a soon-to-be undergraduate student was assigned to take care of his grandma in the countryside. At first, he was unwilling to do the task, but then he realized that it was a good chance to prove that he was ready for the dorm life since his grandma’s home was far from convenience.
There, Fifa met an older man called ‘Chief Hem’ (whom he called P’Third), a forest Ranger. P’Third was heartbroken and dedicated his life to work. The only thing he was interested in was wildlife, not any girl or anyone.
However, the coming of a cutie boy like Fifa totally changes P’Third’s world, and paints the summer to be much more colorful!


ฤดูหลงป่า My Lovely Forest Ranger [Traditional Chinese]
他外婆的家鄉啊。 。 。太貧困!
這裡他遇見一個叔叔叫 “Hem隊長”,也是Fifa弟弟的 “Third哥” 。
把這個“夏季” 變成 “愛季”!


This title adapted into series called
“ฤดูหลงป่า LOST IN THE WOODS”

Inspired by the famous novels “ฤดูหลงป่า” by theneoclassic

"Hem" portrayed by "Arm Varot Makaduangkeo"
"Fifa" portrayed by "Ton Tonhon Tantivejakul"

#ฤดูหลงป่า #LostintheWoods #LostintheWoods
#HaloProductions #halo_entertainment #DeepPublisihing